
Hi, I’m thea boatswain, ms, rd, cpt!

After having my baby at the end of 2020 I realized that there were many new (and not so new) moms that needed help navigating motherhood. I had so many questions and I found myself going down endless Google searches to find the information that I needed.

“How do I improve milk flow?”

“What is mommy wrist?”

“How do it know if I have diastases recti?”

“Am I suffering from PPD?”

All of the searching was exhausting, I was exhausted! That’s when I created Bounce Back, Baby! I compiled all of my education as a registered dietitian and personal trainer to help women with their fitness and nutrition needs. Then I lean on industry professionals in pelvic health, emotional health and lactation to offer the most comprehensive postpartum resource that I can

Bounce Back Baby helps women get back to feeling like their old selves (as much as we can, with a new baby). We provide individual and group support to help each member through the new world of motherhood. Our member group discusses pregnancy and lactation nutrition, fitness, and mental/emotional health.

My Approach


The BBB approach focuses on full-body wellness. We don’t just focus on the body but also create a space where you fee welcomed to share the all of the highs and lows of welcoming a new addition to your home. Our judge-free groups are designed to help each mama to not only get questions answered but help other moms struggling too.



We have three support groups that meet weekly that are included in your monthly membership.

  1. Group Nutrition

  2. Fitness - Yoga, Pilates, Cardio

  3. Mental/Emotional Health

One: One

If being in a group setting is too intimidating for you. All of our group sessions can be made into a one on one sessions by appointment. Just let us know!